1. Interview with Tenor, David Butt-Philip | SWAP'ra
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British tenor David Butt Philip was a Jette Parker Young Artist at the Royal Opera House. In 2014, he made a hugely acclaimed ENO debut as Rodolfo in La bohème, and is one of Britain's leading tenors.
2. Spotlight on David Butt Philip - Opera Holland Park
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"The best stage characters are never just good or bad, they should always be complex and ambiguous, like people!"Tenor David Butt Philip returns to Opera Holland Park in 2024 as Canio in Pagliacci - part of a double bill with Il segreto di Susanna. He tells us about his favourite OHP memories, the best piece of artistic advice he's been given, and what it's like to perform as the jealous and tormented Canio.
3. デイヴィッド・バット・フィリップ - 東京・春・音楽祭
デイヴィッド・バット・フィリップ (テノール ) ... 今日の英国が誇る最もエキサイティングなテノールの一人であり、主要な国際舞台で早くも確固たる人気を獲得している。
4. Nine questions for … David Butt Philip - Deutsche Oper Berlin
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Lohengrin wants to save the world, yet he refuses to reveal his identity to them. Isn’t it a bit naïve to place your trust in someone like that?In real life: yes, it is. But I see Lohengrin more as a ...
5. Dawn names index | AIATSIS corporate website
This is a list of the names of people who are mentioned in the Dawn and New Dawn magazines. The magazines were published by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board ...
This is a list of the names of people who are mentioned in the Dawn and New Dawn magazines. The magazines were published by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board between 1952-1975.
6. Current Inmates - Pennington County, South Dakota
5 dagen geleden · Navigation, primary. Home · County Info show submenu for County Info▽ · History · show ... BUTT, JONATHAN LYNN. Inmate #. 5370805. Booking Date.
See AlsoPowerless FilmOfficial Website of Pennington County, South Dakota. All Rights Reserved.
David Meltzer Undergraduate Award in Haematology. Awarded annually to a ... show promise for distinguished achievement after graduation. Any candidate ...
Loading Awards
8. Donors and Members | The Texas Tribune
Butt Family Foundation; Helen Gurley Brown Foundation; Rosa and Brian ... David and David Anderson; Randy Beamer; Jeanne Davis; Alan Hawthorne; Warren L ...
The Texas Tribune's Members and Corporate Sponsors
9. November 2018 Archives - Opera Today
29 nov 2018 · Roderick Williams and David Butt Philip. Photo credit: Richard Hubert Smith. The most powerful moments are those of stillness and simplicity.
« October 2018 | Main | December 2018 »
10. [PDF] A History of Places and People in Portsmouth, with an Index to Streets
David's (house & grounds) (83.12.11); Dover Court (house ... does not show Moneyfield Lane, but earlier and later editions show a continuation E of the.
Atty: WRIGHT DAVID A. (412-457-5500). 6020 D-1-GN-21-004644. CASSIDY HARRY ... Atty: Bell-Moss Katherine Ellen (512-970-5706). Atty: VIGILANTE-FILLEY ...
12. Harvard University Press
Publisher of original works of scholarship that have shaped our intellectual life for over a century and classics that have shaped our culture for two ...
Publisher of original works of scholarship that have shaped our intellectual life for over a century and classics that have shaped our culture for two millennia.
13. World War Two Service - DVA's Nominal Rolls
Name, BUTT, CLIFFORD GERALD. Service, Australian Army. Service Number, SX39432. Date of Birth, 23 Jan 1919. Place of Birth, ALBURY, NSW.